Letter of Guarantee for Chemical Compounds
AFCO/Zep | 550 Development Avenue | Chambersburg, PA 12701 | 1-800-345-1329
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to certify that Liquid Pan Handler (AFCO 5253), manufactured by AFCO, 550 Development Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201, complies with the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act and any other applicable regulations.
AFCO 5253 is intended for use in cleaning food contact equipment. Equipment washed with solutions containing AFCO 5253 shall be subjected to a thorough rinse of warm potable water before processing is resumed.
When used according to instructions, AFCO 5253 will have no adverse effects on the food being processed.
AFCO 5253 is free from undesirable microorganisms and is safe under the conditions of use.
Best regards,
AFCO / Zep
Justin Peterson