Perasafe FC-100 (AFCO 4360) is an FDA approved (FCN Nº. 1389, 1650, 2099 & 2224) peracetic acid-based antimicrobial agent for use in federally inspected meat, poultry, seafood, shell egg & hard-boiled peeled egg processing facilities. When used as directed in the process water, ice, or brine, this product reduces bacterial contamination and cross contamination that may cause product spoilage or decay of edible food products such as: Poultry carcasses, parts, trim, and organs, Meat carcasses, parts, trim, and organs, Processed and pre-formed (ready-to-eat) meat and poultry, Seafood and fish, Fruits and vegetables, Shell eggs & hard-boiled peeled eggs in food processing facilities.
Perasafe FC‐100
Product code:
Product name: Perasafe FC‐100
Language: English